An Ethical Dilemma Problem
Throughout history it has been the practice in many countries to use convicts in scientific experiments or studies. One research group has developed a chemical that preliminary tests indicate that it will cure a fatal disease that affects many people. This group wants to seek volunteers from the prison population to advance their study. They would administer the chemical to consenting prisoners and monitor its effects on the human body.
No study of this type is ever risk free, but the researchers have designed a protocol that they believe minimizes it for the prisoners. Because there can always be unexpected consequences, including illness or death, participants are offered special privileges during the testing period and possible reduction in their sentences after the conclusion of the study. Since, some of the prisoners consenting to be treated for a long period of time with higher doses of the chemical than the other participants, this group is offered full pardons at the conclusion of the study as an inducement to consent. The research group has proposed its study to those in charge of the prison and these administrators must decide whether to allow the study. If John Stuart Mill was presented with this study proposal what would he determine? That is, from his Utilitarian perspective, would Mill claim this program is moral? Use his ideas and evaluate this program from his perspective and note how he would advise the administrators.
One unfortunate result of the scientifically unsupported contention that vaccinations play a major role in the development of autism spectrum disorder is that in the first half of 2008, rates of measles cases in the United States doubled as compared to the rates observed between 2000 and 2007.
- Though the contention was not supported with scientific findings and was only based on general observation, the results of the contention clearly exhibited that the vaccination has failed as there was an increase in cases with measles contraction.
- Merely for the fact that the contention lacks scientific support, it was not given enough emphasis and means and methods other than what the contention suggested were implemented to address the problem.
El bovarismo denota una tendencia al soñar despierto escapista en el que el soñador se imagina a sí mismo como un héroe o heroína en un romance, mientras ignora las realidades cotidianas de la situación.
En ingles:
Bovarism denotes a tendency toward escapist daydreaming in which the dreamer imagines himself or herself to be a hero or heroine in a romance, whilst ignoring the everyday realities of the situation.
Financial markets play a critical role in the accumulation of capital and the production of goods and services. ... In addition, efficient financial markets and institutions tend to lower search and transactions costs in the economy.
It banned slavery in the northwest territory