scientist has brought together all the research on the subject and found that, from bees to birds to wolves, many animals have an ability to process and represent numbers arguably a form of counting.
Explanation: What's more, the new study suggests that this mathematical prowess helps animals stay alive in a brutal world. Such a finding extends our knowledge of animal cognition, a field that has grown exponentially in recent years.
T tubules
Transverse tubules (T tubules) are extensions of the sarcolemma that penetrate into the interior of the muscle transmitting electrical signals to the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Infusions essentially refer to when an outside substance is administered directly into the bloodstream, while transfusions refer to when the same substance, just from an outside source, is administered in the same manner.
called water channels, are integral membrane proteins from a larger family of major intrinsic proteins
<h2>Competitive exclusion </h2>
Competitive exclusion principle states that if two species compete for same resources then they cannot coexist together that is why Chthamalus is excluded by zones from Semibalanus balanoides
Zonation of barnacles is influenced by competition
Chthamalus not only occupy the mid-shore but survive and grow better than in its normal high-shore zone
Chthamalus is more tolerant of physical stresses than Semibalanus, and can therefore survive in the high-shore, where it has a ‘spatial refuge’ beyond the limits of Semibalanus
In the mid-shore, however, Semibalanus thrives and competitively excludes Chthamalus by undercutting or overgrowing it