Pacific and Atlantic oceans
The fifth amendment is the right to not talk so you wont get yourself in trouble.
The field of national security safeguards against such threats. National security protects not only citizens but also the economic stability of national institutions. In the U.S., national defense has been a guiding principle of the government at least since 1947, when then-President Harry S. Truman signed into law the National Security Act. Among other things, this legislation created the secretary of defense cabinet position, under whose leadership all branches of the military operated.
Brown V. Board of Education was a landmark decision enacted by the US Supreme Court in 1954, that abolished segregation in public schools and understood that the 'separate but equal' principle that had governed such procedures was violating the Equal Protection Clause and therefore, unconstitutional. This clause was introduced by the 14th amendtment to the US Constitution during the Reconstruction Era, aiming to guarantee equality of rights to all US citizens.
This decision in 1954 overturned the former Plessy v. Ferguson decision from 1896, that had understood that the 'separate but equal' principle did not violate the Equal Protection clause and therefore it enabled segregation.
D. all of the above
In the Munich Agreement, Prime minister of Britain, Chamberlain, agreed to give Hitler the Sudentenland (an area of Czechoslovakia easily accessible from Germany) in exchange for him to not invade the entirety of Czechoslovakia.