Households dissave when en their consumption exceeds their incomes. The extra money comes from two sources: credit and past incomes, also known as savings. When a house dissaves it can either borrow money from financial institutions or spend money that was previously saved. Everyone cannot dissave at the same time because banks would not have enough money to fund everybody's excessive consumption.
Can you please tell me what story.
as of what i know at the moment It was not until the final 75 to 100 years that they constructed and lived in the cliff dwellings for which Mesa Verde is best known. Mesa Verde National Park offers a spectacular look into the lives of the Ancestral Puebloans, a group of people living in the Four Corners region who chose Mesa Verde for their home.
Inked rubbings
Inked rubbing was first found by Chinese people before the seventh century to make other print of old records by the use of paper and ink. Rubbing is also called squeeze the ink. With the help of this ink, squeeze make other copies and distributed them in considerable numbers. This technique was developed simultaneously in china.
So that in the above context that another theory focuses on the practice of making inked rubbing from the inscription carved in stone