TRUE- The Lord said to the serpent “because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals.”
<span>The main difference of renewable and non-renewable resources lies in the capacity of
the environment to replenish itself. Renewable resources are resources that can
be easily replenished by the environment over a short period of time, while
non-renewable resources take more time. <span>
of renewable resources are solar energy, harnessing the sun's power that shines
day to day. Wind energy that exists naturally is also a renewable source.
Geothermal energy, heat coming from the center of the Earth, and Biofuels,
fuels made from living organisms, are all renewable energy.
energy resources are the fuels we use in our cars, minerals from the soil,
coal, among others are supplies that also come from Earth. These are all materials that might take a long time (probably millions of years)
to be fully restored. </span>
Scientists can access the risks of trans fats by conducting an appropriate experiment which will show the effects of the fats on the human system.
This can be done by feeding known quantity of trans fats to rats over a specific period of time. During the period, the change in the rat weights will be measured on the daily basis and every other changes that is noted in the rats will be noted down. A control group of rats will be included in the experiment; these rats will be given normal rat feeds and not trans fats.
When the period of feeding is completed, the rats will be killed, all the organs in the rats such as liver, blood, brains, kidney, etc will be harvested and these organs will then be biochemically analysed in order to compare the changes in them with that of a normal rats.
Rats are usually used in biochemical research because their systems and that of human is comparable. Any negative effect of trans fats that is noted in the rats will also hold true for human beings.
The diagram that would be used would be an energy pyramid.
The Emergency Severity Index is a 5 level emergency department triage being maintained by the AHRQ. Among the victims of the car accident here is the order in which they should be seen by a healthcare provider. First, an adult with a laceration with severe bleeding. Second, an adult having 30 breaths per minute respiration with a history of asthma. Third, an older adult confuse yet with normal vital signs and lastly is a child with lacerations on arms as well as in the legs.