Check your school or local public library to find out the number of periodicals to which it subscribes. Number of newspapers: Nu
mber of magazines: Ask your school librarian or the public librarian the names of the two most popular magazines in your school or town. Take a poll of the students and teachers in your school or some of your friends or family. Use the instructions below to analyze and report your data. Develop a questionnaire or other feedback form to use in your survey. Interpreting the data and analyzing it is an important step. If the data is not organized in a logical manner, it will be hard to draw conclusions. It is helpful to organize your results into easy-to-read tables and graphs. You may choose to depict the results of your survey using a bar graph to compare teachers and students habits. A bar graph compares and contrasts amounts. The heights or lengths on the bar graph represents amounts. You might need to place a break in the scale of the graph to better illustrate your results. On the bottom of your bar graph, you could list the most popular magazines, nonfiction books and newspaper. Let the left side represent the number of students and teachers in your survey. Use a different color to represent teachers than you do to represent students. Compare your findings with your classmates. Where were there similarities in teacher-student reading habits? Could your results be more effectively represented in another way? Write the answers to the following questions: What seems to be the most popular magazine? What newspaper is more widely read? What is a popular nonfiction book?
Based on the excerpt from Edgar Allan Poe's "Annabel Lee", Poe used a<span>ssonance to connect the images of death and sea. Assonance refers to a literary device wherein the sound of a vowel is repeated in words that are close to each other. The vowel sound -e- was repeated throughout the excerpt. </span>
Its important because knowing basic information can help out when doing literature .It gives us more and more information . It would also make things very easier to understand