A 17th-century British political philosopher who wrote extensively about legitimate government, toleration, and human understanding, among other topics. John Locke argued that all human beings have been born with some God-given rights. Because these rights are given by God, a legitimate government cannot take them away from individuals. The most important of these rights, Locke argued, are those of life, liberty, and property. Should a government use force to try to take these rights away, individuals have a legitimate right to rebel against the government and resist its aggression. Locke also argued that a legitimate government is one that has the consent of the majority of the people, and because not all people can directly participate in politics at all times, in such government power ultimately resides with people's representatives in the legislative body. At the heart of Locke's political theory stands the concept of social contract, which suggests that individuals have made a deal with the government. Based on this deal, the government secures people's life, liberty, and property. In return, citizens provide the government with taxes, and obey the laws. People's obligations toward government end, when the government fails to fulfill its obligations.
The Great Wall impacted the people of China because it was a great source of protection that is the main reason they built it in the first place. Without this amazing stone and brick structure protected the Han, Qin, Ming and many other dynasties could not be protected without it.