the skin,hair,naios,glands and nerves
The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases, with adenine forming a base pair with thymine, and cytosine forming a base pair with guanine.
Explanation: hydrogen bonds
they dummy dum.
please listen if you ever see Janelsfriend in your comments or anwser section do not engage in his link. he is trying to get your personal information.
So first transcription takes place which is a RNA that translates DNA Template. So an example would be DNA has AGCGTCAATCTA this will be translated into UCGCAGUUAGAU
Then this message is send off to become a protein with the MRNA which then comes Translation which is the process of converting UCGCAGUUAGAU into a protein and the way it’s done is by this message going through a ribosome and gets translated by TRNA that brings amino acids together to form codons and create your protein.
Cells build carbohydrate polymers by using energy to form glycosidic linkages, the bonds betweenmonosaccharides. A dehydration synthesis reaction forms a bondbetween carbon atoms in twomonosaccharides, sandwiching an oxygen atom between them and releasing a water molecule.