Having sex with a yeast infection can be very painful or, at best, extremely uncomfortable. If your labia or vulva are swollen, you may find skin-to-skin contact to be too rough. Friction may even rub the skin raw. Penetration can aggravate inflamed tissue, as well as increase itching and irritation
The functions of eyes parts are as follows:
Retina: The rays of light focused on the retina by the cornea and lens. The retina produces an image which is sent along the optic nerve of the brain.
Iris: It changes the size of pupil and allows different amount of life to enter the eyes.
Pupil: The light enters to the eyes through it.
Cornea: It forms the outer coating of the eyeball and covers the iris and pupil.
Mark the difference between Meiosis and Mitosis below.
- In mitosis the daughter cells are diploids.
- In meiosis the daughter cells are haploids.
Only second generation is asked so the product is 1 diploid only.
The development of electronic delivery systems advancements in the music industry has preserved resources and reduced waste.
Option C
Music industry is the industry that deals with the production of new music that are soothing to hear, recording them, spreading them in public and so on. This industry is an age old industry which used to record music in different ways in past. Most of them were not that efficient to capture the individual tunes of the music and moreover they used the resources very inefficiently.
With the advent of modern day electronic delivery systems, the mics came into market, as well as different electronic media like pendrive, CD's, tape recorders, and even internet through which music can be spread among public very easily.
B, a day would be exactly the same as a year.
I <em>think</em><em> </em>that it would mean that a day would be exactly the same as a year (B).