c. Carbon Dioxide
The rate of respiration is determined by the presence of concentration of carbondioxide gas in the blood because in the process of respiration, energy in the form of adenine tri phosphate (ATP) and carbondioxide gas are produced. This ATP is required for performing different activities while carbondioxide gas is a waste product which must be removed from the blood through breathing. If carbondioxide gas is produced quickly so the rate of respiration is also increased in order to remove the gas from the blood.
the child will either receive either an X or a Y chromosome from the father
The mother always give the child an X chromosome because thats the only one she can give
the father can either give an X or a Y which determines if the child will be female or male
Polymerase chain reaction machine
Petri dishes
Test tubes
DNA Polymerase
Free nucleotides
The organism to be identified
To identify the genetic makeup of an unknown organism, the nucleotide sequences fond in the Deoxyribonucleotide (DNA) of a known organism is matched to the DNA of some known organisms. If there is a certain degree of sameness in most of the matched parts, then the unknown organism can be said to be related to the known organism. This is a comparative study.
To carry out this identification, items used include; primers, the PCR machine, test tubes, DNA polymerase, free nucleotides, etc.
Some examples of skills used in science include Observation and Measurement. Observational Skills and Measurement Skills.
The medicare prospective payment system for reimbursing hospitals utilizes APCs.
APC stands for Ambulatory Payment Classifications that includes the outpatient payment system which is applicable only to the hospitals. There are different reimbursement methods for hospitals outpatients, inpatients, physicians, etc.
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