1) The enzyme helicase catalyses the unwinding of the two DNA strands by disrupting the hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs.
2) Single-stranded binding proteins attach to the DNA strands to stabilise them and prevent them from joining back together.
3) The enzyme primase catalyses the addition of a short primer consisting of RNA nulceotides to the DNA strand. This serves as an 'anchor' DNA polymerase to initiate replication.
4) The enzyme DNA polymerase synthesizes a new DNA strand by incorporating DNA nucleotides complementary to the existing strand. DNA polymerase activity only occurs in the 5' ---> 3' direction.
5) The enzyme ligase catalyses the formation of hydrogen bonds between the two new pairs of DNA strands, and seals any breakages in the sugar-phosphate backbone.
In fetal circulation, the ductus venosus bypasses the liver and the ductus arteriousus bypasses the lungs. Ductus arteriosus also called ductus botalli is a blood vessel connecting the main pulmonary artery to the proximal ascending aorta. It does allow most of the blood from right ventricle to bypass the fetus's fluid-filled non-functioning lungs. Ductus venosus on the hand allows oxygenated blood from the placenta to bypass the liver.
High mass stars have very high-core temperatures, crushing stellar-core pressures, and are very big and very bright.
It is is by digestion of complex molecules into simpler forms lke carbohydrates into its corresponding monosacchrides Glucose.Proteins to amino acids, Lipids to fatty acids and nuclec acids to nuclotides respectively.it is nothing but the metabolism of the complex macromolecules that we consume in the form of food.