President Anwar Sadat of Egypt had worked together with Israel's prime minister Menachem Begin, at the urging of US President Jimmy Carter. They met at Camp David in the US for 12 days in September of 1978, and worked out the Camp David Accords. Egypt and Israel later signed the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty in March of 1979 -- a peace between Egypt and Israel that has lasted to the present day.
Sadat, however, paid a price for his peace efforts. Islamist activists in Egypt heatedly opposed him because of his moderation. Sadat was assassinated in October, 1981.
Hey there!
Hinduism is a religion that many believe started somewhere between 2300 B.C. and 1500 B.C in the Indus Valley. Unlike some other religions, Hinduism was not created by a single person, but rather a fusion of different beliefs and ideas. Hindus believe that there are four goals in human life: kama, artha, moksha, and dharma. Hinduism affected society, especially in Ancient India, very much. For example, it created a caste system, where people were designated "classes." The kings and noble people were always at the top, where the servants and slaves were always at the bottom.
Let me know if you need further explaining. I'm happy to help :)
Throughout American history, the differences between the northern and southern states have often been the cause of divisions between the two. The American Civil War was the climax of an escalating feud between the north-based Union and the south-based Confederacy, a feud that had a significant basis in the different attitudes and lifestyles of each side`s respective citizens. Although the Civil War was based on more than one issue, slavery became a considerably important topic as the War went on. After numerous disputes about state and federal rights, and the election of Abraham Lincoln on an anti-slavery platform, several “cotton states” seceded from the United States, sparking what would become the Civil War. While it is certainly true that a significant portion of the North’s anti-slavery conviction was based on moral principles, to argue that morality was the sole factor in the Union’s abolitionist ideals would be a false generalization. In fact, many of the North’s anti-slavery ideals were not based on morality, but rather political, economical, and even racist factors. The anti-slavery ideology of many northerners extended far past mere moral rationale and into reasons of self-gain. Unfortunately, this area of history has often been modified to place the North (whose ideals formed the foundation of modern America) in a better light.
taco el taco I don't understand u
I believe chicken and pork