Anti-communist groups fascist rebel troops a professional army of international volunteers
On April 6 , 1917 , the Us joined its Allies to fight in World War I.
It allowed profit and work to increase drastically. It also allowed texas to profit off of the oil industry more than they ever could by hand
The South Atlantic System made an interconnected Atlantic World since products, thoughts, and individuals were moved between the mainlands. This framework affected improvement in the British settlements since it associated America better to different nations and it expanded their economies.
Answer2:If there are no restrictions on the power of the elected representatives the leaders might misuse the powers given to them. The Constitution provides safeguards against this misuse of power by our political leaders. The Consitution lays down rules that guard the citizens against the misuse of power.
Answer:The constituent assembly is an assembly of chosen representatives who gather to draft a constitution. It is also called the constitution assembly. As the constitution is the fundamental document for the functioning of the state, it cannot be amended or modified by the normal legislature procedures. It is done by a constitutional convention or constituent assembly and rules and procedures for the same are also written down in the constitution.