Someone answered this question already before
Your first instinct is probably to choose the free response essay. If you did, you would not be correct. A free response starts out with you making an opinion statement, but you have to be able to back it up, and your reasons ought to be logical.
DBQ you be your next guess, because the letters aren't well known and maybe it doesn't require any back up. Unfortunately it does. DBQ stands for Document Based Questions. That means you have to check things very carefully.
Globally Thinking Essay requires that you pick a global issue that you could apply to something local.
A process essay is what its name suggests. You are writing a procedure to do something. I don't think you need any backup material for this. You just have to give the right steps to do something. A document won't help you.
In my day this would not depend on any background notations if you were good enough. Simply writing an interpretation would be good enough. I don't think that's true now.
These terms are all knew to me but I would go with the process essay. It is cut and dried and I don't think it requires documentation, not at the level I'm thinking of. A scholarly paper might require great care in the directions for the procedure.
I'd pick D.
A thesis statement should start out to be very general and then it should be confined in some way. Statements E (especially), D, C and B are too specific to start with. The true statement and general one is likely A.
The definition of Histiography is the study of the way history is written. The first thing you say about any study should be what and not how. What is histiography? is the first thing you have to deal with. Top Down and Bottom up are methods of looking at history. Both are valid depending on what you are writing about. As usual I don't think any of them are really a choice or they all are. A is your best choice in my mind, but that's a poor choice of a bad lot.
The problem with the answers is that they suggest change. That's not what Histiography is is about. It is just the study of how history is written. For example Top Down is about the leaders who have created history and bottom up is how people have lived under that rule. There is no mention of one being superior to another or that we need to revise anything.
Answer: B) Latin
The Roman Empire ruled the Middle East in the 4th century BC, and Latin was the officially recognized language.
Although Greek, Aramaic, Syriac and other mid-eastern languages were used, the Roman Emire as the ruling power used Latin for official business even in conquered territories.
States' rights indicates the political rights and powers granted to the states of United states by the constitution.
Under the states rights the federal government is not allowed to interfere with the powers of the states implied to them by the US constitution.
States cannot form alliances with foreign governments, war and export and import duties.
The three powers of state are Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. Checks and balances notes that the three powers are in a equal and balanced way.
To reduce soft money contributions to political parties.
it has caused spending by interest groups to increase
giving money to political campaigns is considered free speech:
in "citizen united v fec" the supreme court said because corporations giving money to political campaigns is considered free speech and the government cant restrict it. giving money is protected under the first amendment
Soft money is unregulated donations to political parties for general "party-building" purposes, not the support of a particular candidate so it avoid various legal limitations
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act aka McCain-Feingold Act is a major amendment of the Federal Election Campaign Act 1971 passed by the US congress in 2002. Its goal was to reduce the increased use of soft money to fund advertising by political parties.