Vladimir seems to be the only person who undestands his father´s illness.Uncorrupted by the social world in which he grew up thanks to his father, he is capable of trying to connect with Ivan.Ivan himself can see the look in the eyes of his son, he understands Vaya´s feelings are different from the falsity of the wife and daughter.
Lisa shares her views with those of her mother.More materialistic and self- indulgent she is deeply disturbed by her father´s indisposition.When in the room where his father is lying she and her mother comment on the acting of Sarah Bernhardt,she notices her father´s disapproval and leaves the room.She has not been there to take care of his father but to fulfil a sense of duty given her position.
Tolstoy appears to support the view of the boy.Ivan has learned a lesson about the material world, and hipocrisy and the boy sympathises with the father.
The Loving Mother is a tale about the love of a mother for her kids. It talks about how the soul of a mother is not at ease after leaving a small child behind. And after death, the mother comes back to look after the child and take care of her. It is a supernatural tale because it speaks about nature and spirit.
the administrator could make the classes in the school take a short quiz of which one that they would rather have to get the best suited ones for the school
The central idea of the text is that there are situations in which winning is the most important thing, as well as how this victory was achieved.
"The importance of Winning" is a text that highlights how the sense of winning and losing is relative and variable in several different situations. In this text, we can see that the author states that we are taught, since we were children, that winning is not the most important situation in our lives, what matters is that we participate and have fun in a situation. This can be true in school competitions, or playing with our friends. However, there are situations in which winning is very important and the way you win is essential. An example of this, can be seen in politics and for that, the text addresses the presidential election of France where one of the candidates was an ultra nationalist who wanted to expel all immigrants from France, while the other candidate was a conservative politician more tolerant of immigration and cooperation with other countries. This was a case in which winning was of extreme importance for both candidates and migrants.