Advertising helps the consumers to be aware of the products and services being offered. There are objectives that can help the producers on how to advertise their products, they can be classified on three primary purposes namely to inform of the product, to persuade and to remind.
The ventricles of the heart have thicker muscular walls than the atria. This is because blood is pumped out of the heart at greater pressure from these chambers compared to the atria. ... This is due to the higher forces needed to pump blood through the systemic circuit (around the body) compared to the pulmonary circuit.
The Human Heart — PT Direct
Density. Density is the measurement of how much matter is in a substance
1. they come mainly in 2 parts (Felis catus is for a domestic cat) = all in the binomal naming system format
2. they are all in the same language so anyone in the world can interpret what animal it is= latin
3. genus and species= this means that the first scientific name (ie Felis) is the genus and Catus is the species of the feline organisms
2 cells meet and the number of chromosomes becomes equivalent to the somatic cell.
In meiosis crossing over occurs and the number of chromosomes divided or remain half as compared to a somatic cell which is called Haploid (n). When two haploid cell meets than diploid (2n) cell formed which further transforms into a zygote. So, the purpose of meiosis is the cross over which creates genetic variation among individuals and reduced the number of chromosomes into the half. Because if the number of chromosomes remains the same as (2n) and (2n) meets and becomes 4n. Which is the wrong pattern so nature keeps this balance in a unique manner that (n) and (n) meets and form (2n).