If you are referring his defeat at the end against the dragon, that is because of his hubris. He was too proud and believed that he could do it alone without his soldiers. This brings his defeat and he realizes that he will die because of his hubris, after which Wyglaf will take over since he was the only one brave enough to help.
In the post-war period, Thomas Jefferson's United States Declaration of Independence, his influence on the United States Constitution, his autobiography, the Notes on the State of Virginia, and his many letters solidify his spot as one of the most talented early American writers. The Federalist essays by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay presented a significant historical discussion of American government organization and republican values. Fisher Ames, James Otis, and Patrick Henry are also valued for their political writings and orations.
Much of the early literature of the new nation struggled to find a uniquely American voice in existing literary genre, and this tendency was also reflected in novels. European forms and styles were often transferred to new locales and critics often saw them as inferior.
<em>1. Lance Kenniston needed a ship to get to an asteroid, but nothing was available.</em>
The most important detail of the passage is the fact that Lance Kenniston needs a ship urgently, but cannot find it. The name of his friend, or his physical characteristics are not vital to the action. Similarly, the name of the port is not the most important part of the passage. Finally, although the characters' desperation is important, it is even more valuable to know the reason for their desperation.
<em>2. A. It tells readers there is something important happening on that asteroid. </em>
If the characters are desperate to get back to the asteroid, we can assume something important is going to happen there within the next two weeks. We do not know whether they are planning on taking it over, whether they are at the wrong location, or whether Kenniston has not tried hard enough. Therefore, none of the other options is possible.
"Hurry" is an action word, which means it is a verb!