Had no bill of rights
Hi person who created this can ya'll add my two insta's alejandrotrujillomorelia atm.alejandroais.student I'm 13 Live in cali
The Vietnam War had a profound effect on America. The war also drastically decreased Americans' trust in political leaders. In foreign policy, the U.S. suffered from the so-called Vietnam Syndrome: a fear of getting involved in foreign ground wars that might become long, bloody stalemates with no foreseeable end.
it gives each branch of government specific powers.
for example the legislative is know for making laws.
There are no options to arrive at the correct solution. I would answer this question from my research and hope that it comes to your help. Political polarization as it applies to the Supreme Court is when one justice refuses to work with the other justices on the bench. It starts acting like a political institution and it is not good.