Answer: jongleurs
Explanation: Jongleurs were popular entertainers in medieval France. They would travel around, performing in marketplaces, abbeys, castles for people and nobles. The acts included juggling, acrobatics, music, and reciting. The work they sang and recited was popular or traditional. In cases when they would be a permanent employee, they would become Trouvère or ménestrel, depending on what they would primarily do.
This profession later declined and started to die out as professional entertainers started to divide their roles between acrobats, singers, musicians, actors, etc.
Dunno, but u is beautiful :)
Eventually Frodo goes forth to complete the quest, now as part of a Company of the Ring, comprising nine companions, who counterbalance Sauron's nine Ringwraiths. This fellowship consists of Frodo and his fellow hobbits Merry, Sam, and Pippin; two Men, Aragorn and Boromir; Legolas the Elf; Gimli the Dwarf; and Gandalf.