The lack of sunlight in the deep ocean limits the types of organisms that can survive
Lipids play an important role in storing energy. If an animal eats an excessive amount of energy it is able to store the energy for later use in fat molecules. Fat molecules can store a very high amount of energy for their size which is important for animals because of our mobile lifestyles.
The stimulus–response model is a characterization of a statistical unit. The model allows the prediction of a quantitative response to a quantitative stimulus, for example one administered by a researcher.☺️☺️☺️
an act of responding. 2 : something constituting a reply or a reaction: such as. a : a verse, phrase, or word sung or said by the people or choir after or in reply to the officiant in a liturgical service.☺️☺️☺️follow me
Probably make sure they understand or have studied biology and chemistry first.