Más allá del tamaño, las principales diferencias estructurales entre células vegetales y animales están en algunas estructuras adicionales encontradas en las células vegetales. Estas estructuras incluyen: cloroplastos, la pared celular y vacuolas.
Promoter is located upstream and terminator is located downstream relative to the transcription start site.
Transcription start site is the site from where the transcription starts which is denoted by +1. The sequence of nucleotides which is present backword to them called upstream sequence and nucleotide sequence which is present in the forward direction of transcription start site are called downstream sequence.
Promoter sequences are present upstream to the transcription start site and are denoted with a minus sign and terminator sequence is present downstream to the transcription start site.
A. Democracy
A democracy would have the most amount of citizen participation because in this type of government members of society have equal access to political power through voting and elections
I hope I was helpful :)
the answer is c. It shares electrons to complete its octet