Answer: Notochord,Nerve cord, pharyngeal gills
1.Presence of notochord that gives them skeletal support this also develops into between Column in vetertebrates.
2.presence of dorsal hollow nerve cord that develops into the brain and spinal cord which is the nervous system. develops into the central nervous system
3.presence of pharyngeal slit that develops into gills in some aquatic organism and its develops into jaw in some mammals. The gills is use for removal of water that enters the mouth while feeding.
Dichotomous Key with smiles
1. Teeth visible ....................go to 2
.....Teeth not visible .................go to 4
2. Has a wide, toothy smile .......Smilus toothyus
....Is not smiling ......................go to 3
3. Visibly crying .................Smilus dramaticus
.... Frowning .......................Smilus upsettus
4. Eyes are symmetrical .... go to 5
....Eyes not symmetrical .....go to 8
5. Eyes shaped like hearts ..... Smilus valentinus
....Eyes are shaped as ovals .....go to 6
</span>6. Smiling, happy face ...... Smilus traditionalis
.....Not happy, frowning or other .....go to 7
7. Mouth curved down, frowning .... Smilus saddus
.... Mouth is a small circle .................Smilus suprisus
8. Has a pirate eye patch ...............Smilus piratus
....Does not have eye patch ............ go to 9
9. One eye is much larger than the other eye ..... Smilus mutatus
One eye is winking .................Smilus winkus
I believe that Calpurnia finds the food on the back porch.
Clouds, atmospheric aerosols, snow, ice, sand, ocean surface and even rooftops play a role in deflecting the incoming rays. The remaining 70 percent of solar energy is absorbed by land, ocean, and atmosphere. "Greenhouse gases block about 40 percent of outgoing thermal radiation that emanates from Earth," Woods said.