The chloroplasts' function is to take energy to perform photosynthesis. That is why there are no chloroplasts in animal cells.
Turner Syndrome
When someone only inherits only the X chromosome, their karyotype symbol for that will be XO. Symptoms of Turner Syndrome include "short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects."
A series of nonpolar amino acids would most likely be located in the interior region of the tridimensional molecule.
Proteins are formed by linearly arranged amino acids, each with a side chain: the R-group.
Of the 20 different amino acids that compose the proteins, about half of them -10- are non-polar. Their R-groups are not stable if they are in contact with water, meaning that non-polar amino acids are hydrophobic.
When proteins are synthesized, they acquire a three-dimensional structure that makes them more stable. Lineal polypeptides get folded and turn into a shape that makes them more stable in the environment and capable of accomplishing their biological role. When they are in an aqueous media, their bent shape leaves the hydrophilic R-groups in contact with water. The hydrophilic R-groups stick in the center of the polypeptide, facing the protein interior, and avoiding interaction with water.
Prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells, have no nucleus, and lack organelles. All prokaryotic cells are encased by a cell wall. Many also have a capsule or slime layer made of polysaccharide. Prokaryotes often have appendages (protrusions) on their surface.