It's simple food gathering is early days and the other is not
Minutia such as this isn't worth the verbiage that is being devoted to it.
Not everything that might have an adverse effect is intentionally done. What we have here is over-concern, or hyper-concern, on the part of people who are looking for some way to shine with politically correct glory, forever trying to sniff out something that they can blame someone else for, even it that might be not trying hard enough to be progressive.
Quit it, already. Remember: get woke, go broke. On the other hand, if poverty is your thing, and joining the poor is what you want to do, go for it.
i would think nothing but supposedly it is something
Spiders: If you see a spider on Halloween night, it means that the spirit of a dead loved one is watching over you. ... Warding off Spirits: You should walk around your home three times backwards and counterclockwise before sunset on Halloween to ward off evil spirits.Sep 19, 2020