Modifier -25, significant, separately identifiable E/M service by the same individual on the same day of the procedure or other service is explained below in detailed explanation.
Modifier 25 (important, independently identifiable evaluation and superintendence [E/M] assistance by the same practitioner on the corresponding day of the procedure or other assistance) is the most significant transformer for pediatricians in Contemporary Procedural Terminology (CPT).
So, I hope now you got your answer.
D. A long work of commentary based on biblical principles.
The Talmud is a book of theological as well as philosophical ideals of the Jewish people, containing codes of law for them. This book forms the central text of the Judaism faith and is the primary source of the religious law of the Jewish believers.
Consisting of two parts- the Mishnah and the Gemara, it forms the whole book of the Hebrew Bible. It includes commentaries and laws, beliefs and teachings of the rabbis/ teachers, which are primarily based on the principals of the Christian Bible.
I have attached the answer.