The answer is explained below.
The Branch of science that deals with the celestial bodies and the Universe is called Astronomy. People of almost all ancient civilisations studied astronomy.
One of the most important reason astronomy was important is that it helped them to keep track of seasons which allowed them plant and harvest crops at the correct time. It led to the development of advanced forms of agriculture.
Astronomy also allowed them to develop time keeping methods and calendars. It was also helpful in religion and politics as the ancient priests were aware of the time when the various celestial events would occur, so they could yield power by holding festivities tied to the astronomical phenomenon.
The priestly class were the only one who could predict such phenomena, astronomy was one one of the major reasons that helped them to become a powerful elite.
In the late 1860s and early 1870s, liberal Republicans in Missouri formed what became known as the Whiskey Ring. They bribed government officials and record keepers to underreport the amount of whiskey made at every level of production, allowing them to avoid exorbitantly high whiskey taxes.
Placed legal restrictions on rulers who had once held absolute power.
Exploring Maryland's Roots: Library: George Calvert, First Lord Baltimore (c. 1580-1632) George Calvert was the first person to dream of a colony in America where Catholics and Protestants could prosper together. He was born in Yorkshire, England and studied at Trinity College at Oxford