New York is an Urban community. Urban communities generally have high population densities as well as a large number of commercial buildings, houses, roads etc. A suburban community is generally located in the outskirts of a city or urban neighborhood. These generally have more houses and less commercial buildings and the like. Lastly a rural community is located outside the urban community and has a low population density.
1) whether he thinks too little or too much
2) still by himself abused or disabused
3) describe or fix one movement of his mind
Ode to Autumn is an unconventional appreciation of the autumn season. John Keats personified the season of autumn as a young maiden where i<span>t is understood that maturity and ripeness as one with the old age </span><span>when he mentioned it in this line:
"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness! / Close bosom friend of the maturing sun".