its 245
Step-by-step explanation:
i had a test with the same question, i promise its right :)
8 hours long
Step-by-step explanation:
3/4 of the race in 6 hrs
6 divided by 3 equals 2
so 1/4 is 2 hrs, 2/4 is 4 hrs, 3/4 is 6 hrs which means 4/4 the whole race would be 8 hrs
4 multiplied by 2 would give you 8
so the entire race was (8 hours long)
All except 4th and last.
Step-by-step explanation:
The one that says equation is definitely wrong because it doesn't have an equal sign anywhere (there is nothing to solve there).
The one that says 5 plus x^2 that means 5+x^2 instead of 5x^2.
They should have said 5 times x^2 there which actually means 5x^2.
So I don't like the way some of these are written but the only two that are really wrong are the 4th one and the last one.
5 letters ==>

power powre poewr poerw porwe porew pwoer pwore pweor pwero pwroe pwreo peowr peorw pewor pewro perow perwo prowe proew prwoe prweo preow prewo opwer opwre opewr operw oprwe oprew owper owpre owepr owerp owrpe owrep oepwr oeprw oewpr oewrp oerpw oerwp orpwe orpew orwpe orwep orepw orewp wpoer wpore wpeor wpero wproe wpreo woper wopre woepr woerp worpe worep wepor wepro weopr weorp werpo werop wrpoe wrpeo wrope wroep wrepo wreop epowr eporw epwor epwro eprow eprwo eopwr eoprw eowpr eowrp eorpw eorwp ewpor ewpro ewopr eworp ewrpo ewrop erpow erpwo eropw erowp erwpo erwop rpowe rpoew rpwoe rpweo rpeow rpewo ropwe ropew rowpe rowep roepw roewp rwpoe rwpeo rwope rwoep rwepo rweop repow repwo reopw reowp rewpo rewop