How science and technology is interrelated to other aspects of HPE?
If we use the scientific knowledge and skill rationally, aspects of environment, population and health are effectively developed. In such several ways health, population and environment are inter-related on the basis of science and technological aspects.
Well if u get given a medicine that u don't need it can kill u straight away like antibiotics and the Green whistle.
Because their answers are false. And there is proof to show it.
Aquatics may refer to: Aquatic sports in the Olympics and other international competitions, including the disciplines of swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, water polo, and open water swimming. Water-related sports more broadly (including boat racing, water skiing, swimming, etc.); see List of water sports.
Pre-existing Condition
Chronic illnesses and medical conditions (severe or not) may be considered pre-existing conditions.
Example: Diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy.
Pregnancy before enrollment is not considered pre-existing condition.
Insurance companies can't refuse to cover treatment for pre-existing conditions or charge more.