B) proactive interference
proactive interference is tendency of previous learning to interrupt current learning.
since here, varian's previous learning of Latin is making him difficult to grasp Greek. It can be well explained by proactive interference.
motivated forgetting happens when people try to forget certain things which they find irrelevant either unconsciously or consciously
proactive interference is phenomenon in which current learning hinders the learning of previous learnt knowledge.
temporary amnesia also known as transient amnesia is phenomenon in which a person losses memory before, during and after sometime of the event(the particular event which one is not able to remember).
Barbour and Wright maintain that when the Supreme Court issues a ruling on the constitutionality of a particular bureaucratic regulation, they are "piecemeal".
It is a piecemeal approach accompanied by unsystematic, partial actions taken over periods. A piecemeal judgment is a document provided by an external auditor expressing a view confined to particular line elements within the financial statements of a corporation. In a situation where complete information is not accessible, an auditor can offer a piecemeal opinion.
For an instance, the defendants pursued a piecemeal investigation strategy in the patent infringement case, examining only the records of selected corporate employees. The district court stated that the method was contradictory to the Federal regulations of Civil Procedure and repeated court orders.
The angels started that prayer is the essence of worship in lslam.
Disadvantage, does not
A time-out is a procedure which involves taking out an individual from a place where an inappropriate attitude has been carried out. The procedure is done by isolating the individual from such environment for a period of time so as to put a stop to such displeasing behaviours.
The main objective of the time-out procedure is reduce further future occurrences of such behaviours. Time-out procedure van be successfully used to stop a child incessant crying all the time.
reinforcement is the correct answer.
Alice scored well in her tests, so to reward her effort, her parents decide to take her to her favorite place, This is an example of reinforcement behavior which is shown by the Alice parents to cheer and encourage her.
Reinforcement behavior is the act of cheering and strengthening something.
Reinforcement is of two types:
- Positive reinforcement: means appreciating and encourage the person when they do the desired work
- Negative reinforcement:is the behavior that is encouraged by avoiding the negative consequence.