it seems as if buddhism was spread all over Asia. Only men are present and they all have bald heads and this might represent purity as their bodies appear to be hairless. The buddha statue shows a buddha with something on his head. That is striking as they are usually seen as bald headed men in cloth rather than with jewellery or hair adorning their bodies.
My predictions: Buddism represents purity of ones mind body and soul. only men can be a part of buddhism
Question: What is the central belief of buddhism?
B. Delivering water to dry areas for growing crops
The statements that true is C. Salt was so valuable in Ghana that it was Worth in Gold
Many said that the Ghana empire was rich by handling the trade of Salt and Gold. There are no record about option A and option B.
And Option D. is definitely wrong because the Ghana Empire use Silent Trading, the trading occurred without the traders seeing each other face
1. Dinero llama dinero.
Tener cierto capital inicial nos hará más propensos a generar más riqueza.
2. A la tercera va la vencida.
No debemos desistir en nuestros intentos por perseverar.
3. Más vale prevenir que lamentar.
Tomar precauciones es una forma inteligente de evitar males mayores.
– ¡Tamaa-leees oaxaqueñoooos, llevee sus ricos tamales…! – Venta de tamales.
– ¡Tortillaaas, lleve sus ricas tortillas calientitaaas! – Ofrecimiento de tortillas hechas de maíz.
– ¡Llegó el pan, a solo tres pesitos llegó el pan! – Vendedor de Pan.
Qué quiere decir con esto. No es una pregunta. ¿Qué quieres que te responda?