Farmers no longer had any land to live off of they moved to the cities and worked in factories. This allowed there to be enough workers to power the Industrial Revolution and created a capitalistic society from a once freudian society. It turned land from a resource to survive into a commodity to earn money in the marketplace. It also formed the diggers movement which was an activist act against the private property restrictions
Answer: 13,14,15,16,18,19, and 20 are opinion and the rest are claim.
The trans-continental railroad was completed around this time, so not only did train travel change, but was innovated so that a train could take you anywhere across the US.
<span>Yes, China's world view was the cause of the ending of it's exploration and voyages. Under Zheng He, China grew and enjoyed much world travel. in 1424, Zheng He suddenly died and his successor halted all plans for voyages and exploration. A new emperor stepped in and revived the voyages but in 1433 at his passing, China lost interest in overseas exploration and ended their voyages.</span>