The answer is D, all of the above.
The cell membrane is made up of a phospholipids that are arranged into two layers which are called lipid bilayer.
The only thing I know is the nucleus is wrong it should be in both animal and plant cells
High shelf life apple and disease free banana are the two fruits that are being engineered to be healthier.
The yield, production and nutrition value of food can be improved by employing genetic engineering in the food production. This will solve the problem of food in countries where resources are scarce.
Genetic engineering is the process in which genes are altered or introduced in a particular organism or plant to create a useful trait.
The genetically modified foods have many advantages as no use of pesticides, long shelf life, high nutritious value and high yield.
The two fruits are:
Arctic apples are genetically modified so that they do not get brown after slicing. This healthier version of apple is a big step in preventing food wastage.
Banana plantations were suffering due to a disease fusarium wilt but GMO have resolved the issue and prevented the disease and increase its production.
The people of less privilege countries who continuously face famine and malnutrition can solve their food problem by using GM techniques. The yield and nutrition value can be increased manifold in the crops. Besides the crops would made to get ready in less resources to overcome famine conditions.