fish, trees, and animals are important wildlife resources that we depend on for survival. fish are a main source of food for man
y of the people in the world. trees have been used to build and heat homes, make paper, and provide food for centuries. humans hunt land animals such as deer, fox, antelope, and buffalo for food and other products. what can we do to protect wildlife resources so they will be around for future generations?
There are plenty of ways to protect our wildlife resources, from small steps to big differences. These may include supporting any programs and campaigns in protecting these resources especially our fauna, giving seminars of awareness to everyone, and even teaching the kids how to protect and preserve these for the future. The list goes on, as long as the commitment is solid, then a difference may be done.
Observing behavior in real-world settings and making no effort to manipulate or control the situation is known as naturalistic observation. It is a research method that is most used by psychologists which they observe their test subjects in thir natural habitat without changing any parameter.
1. bought an end to genocide 2. condemned the use of nuclear weapons 3. Ruled on provision for the postwar occupation of Germany 4. established principles of responsibility for human rights violations