Hewo, Here are some ways in which apps earn money :-
- Advertisement
- Subscriptions
- In-App purchases
- Merchandise
- Physical purchases
- Sponsorship
hope it helps!
☆ <u>Since, the computer accepts raw data as input and converts into information by means of data processing, it is called information processing machine (IPM).</u>
Webpage is a page of a site, such as, where the bolded text is the page.
On the other hand, web applications, or simply web apps, are found in many websites, such as here and also in Connexus. They end in either aspx or jsp, which stand for appx and javascript page, respectively.
So, your answer would be A: Web pages provide information, while web applications allow the user to do something.
Hope this was answer you were looking for. Have a nice day!
To allow user to assign rating
The basic function of “rate” command is to give opportunity to the user to assign a value to a song from the range of 1 – 5.
In the range, the value of 1 indicates the lowest rating, while value of 5 is the highest rating that can be obtained.
Any previous ratings are then replaced by the new rating assigned from the range of 1 – 5.