Central (traits).
The central traits, according to the cardinal traits of personality, developed by Gordon Cattell's approach, are the basic building blocks of most people's personality. The major terms you use to describe yourself, or others, are indeed your/their central traits of personality. In this case, our hypotetical cousin's central traits are being warm, happy, optimistic, funny and high achieving. The most general terms you find to describe someone usually are their central traits.
1. true2.false3.false4.the united states constitution5.statutory6.common7.the Texas constitution cannot and has not been amended8.false9.(5)
The sustainability of the natural biodiversity can be retained, since people would be isolated in their homes. there would be less gas emissions in the atmosphere that is produced by vehicles. Research has shown that coronavirus doesn't really affect animal species which is quite beneficial for them. So in this way the different ecosystems may slowly heal and the food chain can perpetuate