b) a graphical representation of the relationship between hemoglobin's percent saturation and the partial pressure of oxygen
On vertical axis-hemoglobin's oxygen saturation
On horizontal axis-oxygen partial pressure
This curve determines hemoglobin affinity for oxygen. If hemoglobin has high oxygen saturation, hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen is high.
As the blood moves through the systemic capillary, hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen decreases, so that oxygen can be released into the cells.
Each kidney consists of an outer renal cortex, an inner renal medulla, and a renal pelvis.
I can't see the well but chemical changes happen when a substance combines with another to form a new substance. These processes are called chemical reactions and are not reversible except if you do more chemical reactions... So the well that is changing it's state of matter should be the one undergoing a chemical change. For, example boiling or freezing
Biofuels are renewable fuels that are produced from biomass, organisms that were formed and stopped living a short time ago. The energy in the biofuels is called bioenergy. The major constituents of biomass are cellulose, lignin, starch and sugar, but many plants also contain other organic compounds that are beneficial for energy recovery from the material due to their physical structure and chemical composition. The difference between biofuels and fossil fuels is that fossil fuels take millions of years for new formation while new biomass for biofuels is constantly being formed. This means that biofuels can usually be considered carbon neutral as the carbon dioxide emitted during combustion is constantly bound to new biomass in a closed cycle.
The cell membrane is permeable to small solutes to let them easily diffuse in and out of the cells.