Patricians were essentially senators and Plebs the citizens. Equites were knights. So, thru process of elimination slaves? lol
i changed my mind about my answer . i believe it is B.
Most countries who have unsafe connections try to make a treaty. Such as former US presidents. The US government signed 370 treaties with numerous Indigenous nations from 1778 to 1871.
Treaties between the US and American Indian Nations (1722-1869)
Treaty of Versailles, 1919.
International Labor Convention, 1949
Geneva Agreement, 1954
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), 1966.
how ever treaties can be broken and can also be declined.
A year before the fourteen points speech, president Wilson said a peace agreement should have worldwide support to ensure it lasts.
Black Panther Greatest Threat to U.S. Security. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The, Black Panther party represents! the greatest threat among the! black extremist groups