A, like right here, if we were right next to eachother i oculd tell you its "number A"! lol
1st option
num of the other ones make sence
Differences in strength, hormones, body structure, bone structure. Like when you draw a man figure, the body is usually a rectangle but when you draw a female, the body is an upside down triangle. Hormones like estrogen, only women have. Similarities are intelligence, appearance. Women and Men are treated differently, especially in the work place, because they used to be seen as lower class and we are thought of not being able to do some of the obs that men do, like manual labor because women don't have the same muscle mass or upper body strength as men do but men are also seen as not being able to do some jobs that women do, especially in households, because they don't have motherly instincts or they can't cook as well as women can.
Giving the smallest amount of detail
The answer is c. Frankenstein's singular devotion to his small group of friends
Romanticism is a style of art that focuses on imagination and emotion. Romantic literature has this unique feature in which the attention is on the protagonist or the feelings of the character, depicting an inner world that previous writers have often ignored.