This actually depends on which level of education you are and what they are looking for. Most people though merely considers it a part of the Digestive System as the bile it stores is used during digestion.
I have seen however several people put it down as part of the bilary system or subsystem which responsible for the creation and distribution of bile.
Hope this helps any!!
Consumption of Junk food is increasing b/c it is popular because of their simplicity of manufacture, consumption and good taste.
There are instances
that when we are exposed to virus or bacteria, the antigen A in our body try to
fight but still we get sick, take some medication and we are then healed. Then,
another exposure to a new virus or bacteria, the antigen B reacts weakly for
our immune system do not recognized the foreign pathogen that invade the body
resulting to slight sore throat after visiting your sister at school.