A. our previous knowledge fills in background information whenever we're understanding an event or conversation.
Betsy wanting to bring Jacob a present and then her shaking her piggy bank to check for money will make most people believe Betsy was checking her piggy bank to see if she had money to spend on the gift.
This is due to the fact that as individuals we employ the use of our previous knowledge fills in background information whenever we're understanding an event or conversation.
Brainstorming is the correct answer.
Brainstorming is a prewriting technique used in order to gather as many ideas and information as possible to speed up the writing process. Among the brainstorming strategies, we have listing, clustering, looping and freewriting. Julia used the listing strategy where she lists as many daily tasks as she can so she can narrow down the options and then add more details to it in her writing.
Parallel processing
Parallel processing is the ability of the brain to process many information of differing quality at once.this process involves analyzing and distributing the receive stimulus into four compartments : Color, shape, motion,depth.
George stroke made him to lost the capacity to perceive colors but retained the capacity to perceive movement and form
Janet had a stroke and lost the capacity to perceive motion but retained the capacity to perceive shapes and colors.
The disability in the question are typical type of the four compartment of Parallel processing