She looks down upon it.
In _A Raisin in the Sun_ by Lorraine Hansberry, Walter
Younger has a plan to open up a liquor store.
Normally, a parent would support a child’s ambitions, but in the
instance of Walter Younger this is not the case. His mother Lena Younger opposes his opening
of a liquor store because she is morally opposed to the drinking of alcohol and
looks down upon it and what it can lead to.
False, timelines allow time to be shown by date
The author's diction and characterization indicates the authores purpose because the word choice they decide to use gives you a realistic image of inmmigration. The way he shows the characters is in a sequence of different thigs that Enrique goes through in life. For example, when Enrique's mother left them, the author shows how other people helped Enrique during that time in his story. The author showed how his grandmother took him in and loved him like a mother.