Cherry picking
Cherry picking is a technique "used to convince the audience by using selected information and not presenting the complete story" (
The author should back up his\her claim or argument with factual evidence t support their claim .
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser(s)" refers to certain people's tendency to turn the biterness and humiliation of losing an argument into personal attacks against the debate opponent and their image.
To <em>slander</em> means to defame, to say false things about someone in an attempt to damage their reputation.
This statement is often attibuted to Greek philosopher Socrates, but there isn't any evidence supporting the fact that he originated the phrase, so it would be best to avoid quoting Socrates in this case, especially in school assignments.
depression and anxiety
you know that you cant make money so it gets to your head thus causing sadness and anxiety.
Introducion:Lauses unnecessary to the meanings of the words modified demonstrative 2. clauses necessary to the meanings of the words modified relative 3. words for which pronouns stand intensive 4. a pronoun ending in -self and referring to the previously used noun or pronoun nonrestrictive clauses 5. a pronoun ending in -self and used for emphasis restrictive clauses 6. pronouns that ask questions indefinite pronouns 7. pronouns that point out to whom or to what the speaker is referring reflexive 8. everyone, nobody, and something are examples antecedents 9. pronouns introducing adjective or noun clauses interrogative 10. i, you, him, mine, and their are examples personal pronouns