The four functions of language: to define, to evaluate, to influence, to reflect. In language we always have a sender, a receiver and an information. The sender sends the information to the receiver in a specific context (a sorounding world) and the information is corelated with the world (it says something about it). The functions of language describes functions of theese elements. Language "defines" because it says something about the world and it shows a connection between the information and the world. Language influence, because every speech we give has its consequences for the receiver so here we have correlation between the information and the receiver. What's more language reflects because it shows the emotions and intentions of the sender (connection between sender and information). And last but not least we have the function "to evaluate". It shows how the information influences itself, how it is built, what kind of language we use and what stylistic values it has.
It’s called an onomatopoeia, they are used a lot in comic books. :)
General Belisarius was was the general that gained new Western lands for the emperor Justinian in the 530s. Justinian the Great was also another name given to Justinian I. He was a Byzantine Roman emperor and he ruled from 527 to 565. As the emperor he wanted to revive the lost glory and for this purpose he wanted to reconquer the lost western lands. Belisarius played a very important role in conquering the lost lands. he was a great general for Justinian. Belisarius extended the Roman kingdom upto the Atlantic ocean by conquering the Vandal kingdom of North Africa.
The Great Gatsby
I was immediately struck by the number of young Englishmen dotted about; all well dressed, all looking a little hungry and all talking in low earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans. I was sure that they were selling something: bonds or insurance or automobiles. They were at least agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity and convinced that it was theirs for a few words in the right key.
Being a hero, means to save someone in need. Being a leader is teaching someone to save themselves! :D