<span>Jean Piaget was a Swiss cognitive psychologist who focused on how humans organize their thinking into patterns or schemes. He was an expert in the changes and stages of child mental development. He described the process of acting upon a stimulus based on existing patterns of thought as <u>assimilation</u>.</span>
D) Incident Commander
During every emergencies, incident commander has a similar power and responsibilities with the CEO of a business entity.
The incident commander need to ensure that every single members of the team managed to carried out their own role and the team able to fulfill the goals that were set before the operation.
Approving incident plan in this context is important to ensure that each individuals in the team understand what are expected to them. The resources management is important to ensure that the members had all the tools /materials they need to execute their strategy.
Its c britian tried to conver the jews and arab religious belifs to christianity
Biden announced a new GHG target for the United States: to reduce net GHG emissions by 50%-52% below 2005 levels by 2030.Oct 28, 2021