Answer: Cairo is Egypt's capital. It is located near the equador.
The second one:) (abolition)
The correct answer is compulsion.
In terms of addictions, compulsion refers to an intense and overwhelming urge to do something. Addictions lead to compulsions to perform an action and fulfill one's urges. In this instance, despite having something else scheduled at the time of his workout, Steve feels compelled to give into his addiction (exercising) by trying hard to find time for it.
Legile moderne care implică copii sunt foarte diferite de legile celor cincizeci de ani în urmă. Legile moderne protejează copiii în multe feluri, printre care: protejarea dreptului copiilor la educație, dreptul la îngrijiri medicale, dreptul la nediscriminare, prevenirea legilor muncii copiilor.
Modern laws involving children are very different from the laws of fifty years past. Modern laws protect children in many ways including the following: protecting children’s right to education, right to health care, right to non discrimination, the prevention of child labor laws.