Use a complex number baised upon the vgiven values a icutre of the diagram will be need for further detail
F. Both regulation and secretion
Through sweat glands and superficial blood vessels, the skin is able to cool the body and regulate its internal temperature.
The eccrine sweat gland, which is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, regulates body temperature. When internal temperature rises, the eccrine glands secrete water to the skin surface, where heat is removed by evaporation.
Relative dating concerns the dating of fossils by using stratum (layers in the rock) to find the estimated age.
Absolute dating is finding the age of a fossil by using radiometric methods, such as fluorine dating or half-life dating; which is more accurate than relative dating.
May not be right, but because of Oxygen and the growing of new skin? We rub our skin without noticing and it will become frail and rub off, creating new skin