i asked my Alexa... it was a good question
The rise and fall of the tides. Tides create a current in the oceans, which are strongest near the shore, and in bays and estuaries along the coast. ...
Wind. Winds drive currents that are at or near the ocean's surface. ...
Thermohaline circulation.
D. Circulatory and Endocrine
One sends hormones to cells and the latter sends them to the bloodstream.
The correct answer is option Memorization.
The memorization of the data help the scientist to recall all the facts and the theories, which are related to the experiments. In case, a scientist remembers all the things, the analyzing the data would be easier, as he can relate the data without referring to many sources. Hence, memorization would be very helpful in making connections across the data.
I = 62.5%
<u>Available data</u>:
- the wild-type DND1 gene confers resistance to attain viruses. Strains are susceptible to viruses
- The EDS1 gene confers resistance to powdery mildew, a type of fungal infection
- The genes are linked, eight map units apart on chromosome
- A third gene, IR 1. imparts resistance to certain lepidopteran leafminers and is 10 map units from EDS1 and 18 map units from DNDI
- The observed double crossover rate is 0.3%
According to this information, we can picture the position of each gene in the chromosome
║---------- 8MU---------║------------------10MU-------------║
The map unit is the distance between the pair of genes for which one of every 100 meiotic products results in a recombinant product.
1% of recombinations = 1 map unit = 1cM. The maximum recombination frequency is always 50%.
So, if we know the distances between genes, we know their recombination percentages.
- DND1-EDS1 = 8 MU = 8% recombination
- EDSI-IR1 = 10 MU = 10% recombination
To calculate interference, first, we need to know the coefficient of coincidence, CC.
CC= observed double recombinant frequency/expected double recombinant frequency
<em>Note: </em>
- observed double recombinant frequency=total number of observed double recombinant individuals/total number of individuals
- expected double recombinant frequency: recombination frequency in region I x recombination frequency in region II.
CC= (0.003)/(0.08 x 0.1)
CC = 37.5%
The coefficient of interference, I, is complementary with CC.
I = 1 - CC
I = 1 - 0.375
I = 0.625
I = 62.5%