In this question, one parent is homozygous recessive (bbee) and other parent is dihybrid (BbEe)
B - black fur dominant trait
b - white fur recessive
E- black eyes dominant
e - red eyes recessive
a punnett square shows all the possible combinations of genotypes with the corresponding phenotypes that the offspring could inherit.
the genotypes and their phenotypes for the offspring are given below ;
BBEE / BbEe / BbEE / BBEe - black fur and black eyes
Bbee / BBee - black fur and red eyes
bbee - white fur and red eyes
bbEe / bbEE - white fur and black eyes
after analysing the punnett square the following results are obtained;
black fur and black eyes - BbEe- 4/16
black fur and red eyes -Bbee - 4/16
white fur and black eyes - bbEe - 4/16
white fur and red eyes -bbee - 4/16
50% chance of their son being colorblind
A Punett square for the man’s mom and dad shows that he definitely has colorblindness and his genotype is XcY
A Punnett square for the woman shows she is a carrier for colroblindness and her genotype is XcX
The chance of having a son is 50% and the chance of that son having colroblinness is 50%
Freshwater marshes occur beside rivers and oceans.
Yes, this statement is true .
Freshwater marshes conatins fresh water . They are generally found near the river mouths. They are found along the fringes of lakes and rivers where the water table, the upper surface of underground water, is very high. Marshes are useful for the damage cause by the flood storing the water.