52/3 - 10
Convert both numbers into fractions.
52/3 - 10/1
Make sure they both have the same denominator
52/3 - 30/3
Now you can take the numerator and subtract it.
Now you simply simplify
7 1/3
So the answer is 7 1/3
Answer: $14.40
10% of $18 = $1.80 (just divide it by 10)
$1.80 x 2 = $3.60
20% of $18 = $3.60
since it’s a discount, you subtract from the original price so:
$18 - $3.60 = $14.40
For this case we have that the main function is given by:
We apply the following transformation:
Vertical displacements:
Assume k> 0
To graph y = f (x) - k, move the graph k units down.
For k = 3 we have:
when the function is changed to f (x) - 3 the change that will occur is:
Vertical displacement 3 units down.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are two values for x=0